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D.B. Cooper

D.B. Cooper

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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On November 24, 1971, the day before Thanksgiving, a man carrying a briefcase and a brown paper bag boarded a flight from Portland to Seattle. The man, who identified himself as Dan Cooper, handed the flight attendant a note saying he was armed with a bomb and demanded $200,000 and 4 parachutes. Cooper was given everything he asked for, once the flight landed in Seattle. In return, he allowed the passengers to leave. The plane was refueled and headed to Mexico when Cooper allegedly jumped from the plane with only 2 parachutes and the money. Over 50 years later and the legendary D.B. Cooper has never been found or conclusively identified, though there have been plenty through the years who have wanted credit. You just never know when grandpa is going to confess to being D.B. Cooper.
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